Parquet and Planks


Parquet and Planks

Specialists in parquet.tarima-flotante

In Work and reforms Alicante we adapt the parquet floor to make your home a plaace more warm and authentic with the natural charm of wood.

We have variety of shapes and colors, with beautiful surface effects.

We place your paquet floor quick and fast, and did not need any work after the installation, so you can enjoy your new floor immediately.

These floors are resistant to deterioration, thanks to its many layers dryed by ultraviolet light, so it offers a lifetime warranty.

Types of parquet.

-Parquet Castello: They are characterized by a delicate V-groove on the longest edge to give more depth to the room.

-Parquet Compact: They have a core of high density fiber, wich gives it a large thickness to the reform projects or stances with underfloor heating systems.

-Parquet Imperio: Superior quality and class, giving effect extra long iron, which give the room a bigger sensation of depth.

-Paquet Villa: This parquet makes the floore softer and less marked, creating a more elegant and deep room.

-Paquet Variano: Oak panels with aged edges, cracked knots and variations in color, emphasizing the unique character of this type of floor.

-Parquet Palazzo: Add warm and character to any room with subtle V-groove and proportions on the long side of each plate.

Planks specialists

We also specialize in the installation of all types of planks high quality and easy installation, offering a wide range of these as; planks beveled, without bevel, micro beveled, brushed, in the form of two or three sheets and even planks with a perfect imitation of wood or ceramic floor.

They are perfect for rooms like kitchens and bathrooms, where we need a special floor, as they are of resistance to impact and easy maintenance, since we can scrub them with neutral products without losing the beauty of design.

Planks types.

-Floating planks synthetic: It has a wide variety of styles, shapes, colors and textures, with imitations of all natural wood and finished in relief. High resistance to scratches, abrasion and stains.

-Floating planks multilayer: they get a visual finish equal to planks of solid wood and feature a click anchor system. They are resistant to abrasion and sunscreens which prevents loss of color.

-Floating planks solid: produced from solid wood, bringing warm and beauty. Absorbs ambient’s static electricity and is an excellent thermal isolator, helps to reduce energy consumption.

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